~Good Luck Bloomsday runners!~


As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer…everyone is itching to get out and enjoy the sun! I hear you, summertime definitely sounds appealing! All around Spokane the excitement is in the air.  With all of the events that will be happening from Bloomsday to Pig out n’ the Park, we are curious to who has the most extravagant plans? Wishing, of course, that one of my summertime destinations included Hawaii or the cliché tropical paradise…most plans just consist of good ol’ Spokane. But I’m not complaining because we are just a hop, skip, and a jump from the beautiful Coeur d’Alene Lake!!! Hopefully our good friend Mr. Sun is here to stay, and that his warming rays are taken advantage of. Get out and play, take a road trip, anything along the lines of a good time not only builds memories but also reduces the stress of our long and stressful work weeks. If you are the arts and crafts type and love a good creative idea, attached below is a link to some fun in the sun ideas to do with your family:


Fill up on that Vitamin D and amp up for the week ahead! And remember…HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND EVERYONE! (And Good luck to all of you Bloomsday runners!)


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